several years back I took on the challenge of 're-decorating' my then boyfriend's bachelor pad. the goal was to create a space that I could live in... which meant removing the black plastic playboy shower curtain and removing the mold from the sink dishes. ewwwwww. (to his credit, the offending dishes were not his. there is no excuse however, for the shower curtain).
at some point i introduced orange into the space. the then boyfriend (now husband) went a little crazy (read: obsessed) with the new color, and it took years (literally) to get the orange back OUT of the house. Now.. believe it or not, I'm hot to bring it back.
The obsession has shifted back to me in a fit of tangerine induced karma.
your then "boyfriend" and now "husband" has never figured out how to jump off of the orange bandwagon. hop back on!!