Wednesday, June 8, 2011

white is the new blue

ok, back from istanbul and the blue wall has GOT. TO. GO. at first I was thinking what a great idea it would be to paint it dark. like a 'turret stair' dark. but after getting some sun i am thinking that white is it.

I'm also thinking that in my next life (or next career, which ever comes first) that i will be a curiosity shop keep. since i cant very well name a curiosity shop 'hot bananas', I am brainstorming names.

1 comment:

  1. yay!!, finally back. you must tell me your tales of food. still in the virgin islands but ill be back in the states saturday-sunday and ill give you a call to hear all about it before i take off again sunday night to madrid. can't wait.

    and post more!!
