Sunday, February 6, 2011

feeling blue

Going completely against everything i have embraced design-wise for the last four years, i am starting the new year with a new chapter. blue. it's going up tonight... and so far it's looking VERY blue in my completely beige house..... so we'll see how long this lasts. it's just one wall- the one opposite the entry door. right now it says 'welcome to the smurf house'... hopefully a little deluxing with art and books will make it seem not so shocking. the blue painter's tape trim is also not helping... actually, they are almost the same color. which is scary. please direct prayers to the new smurfs at L'amourita.


  1. blue...I'm shocked where are the post painted pictures.

  2. The reason is pathetic: i have not been home in daylight to take a picture!!!
