Friday, November 30, 2012

No posts since june huh?

well, here's a statistic for you: i am 101% fucking terrified of starlings.

they come flying at my office window at mock 5. making a hard left at the ABSOLUTE last second.

flighty little bastards.

Friday, June 22, 2012


You're a fickle girl, arent you?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Holy shit is it SUMMER?

Seattle, you are looking good today.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

im not even a horse person

this is amazing. and I'm not even a horse person.  Something so wild. un-tamed. strangely inspiring. and the color. holy lord the color is marvelous.  I know it's wrong to eat horses, but yum.

Monday, May 14, 2012

usually yellow is one of my favorite colors

today i'm feeling a bit yellow- becuase there is NO way i could actually do this. I really want to.. but... you know the drill.  chicken to put anything overly personal out there.

This blogoshpere project is incredibly inspirational, and came across my reader at a time when I really needed to feel like I am not the only person out there struggling, living full of self-doubt, and in general grasping at alot of effing straws.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

dear effie

while katniss may be the obvious choice for everyone's halloween costume next year, (in fact, i've even heard the theme bouncing around on wedding blogs- can you say Cuckoo?) I have my heart set on Miss Effie Trinket. I'll admit I was a little disappointed with her (or lack of) 'affected capitol' accent, which I will be heavily playing up as I prance around shouting "may the odds, be everrrrrrr in your favor!" (in my head, it sounded more British, which actually makes no sense. I digress). But, the purple is amazing. And any excuse to use my hot-glue gun is a good one.

the movie left me feeling a little blase about the strength of the character's quote/un-quote L.O.V.E... but i am looking forward to the next installment for more ms. trinket.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

you've been served.

that's right, i've been a very bad designer and i've been served with an official summons. To small claims court. How fun / slash/ are you effing kidding me?. I wont go so far as to name the offending party in writing... but will say that they are quite possibly the "Worst" Plumbing company out there. good thing I married a lawyer?

Friday, March 30, 2012

rainy seattle friday

as an escape from an oh so typical rainy seattle friday, i am reminiscing about istanbul's spice market. where it is hot and spicy, and i was tan. you know what sounds amazing right now? that sweet apple tea the shopkeepers all serve while trying to sell you carpets.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

or should we move to spokane and buy this house?

how could you not laugh to yourself at the sheer audacity of it every time you walked in your own front door?

Monday, March 19, 2012

should we move to lake forest park and buy this house?

it's pretty damn darling.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

yay family day

pictured left to right:
super rad sis-in-law, awesome mom-in-law, me, totally rockin' hubs
not pictured: Mr.Schlancey.