if you've ever been to a dinner party at my house, you've likely seen the infamous little red book. no, it's not a list of hot men i call when evan is out of town... it's a fortune telling birthday book. and let me be the first to tell that you it is freakishly accurate. my quick witted friends will be the first to express how they feel that horoscopes are hooey (and i somewhat agree) HOWEVER last night it proved itself again with two entries for two of my favorite people:
jan 9: you have a frank, energetic and progressive nature and have faith in the good performed by others. those born on this day achieve their greatest success by adhering to the belief that they themselves are the masters of their success.
jul 9: you are ambitious and conscientious in your work and you are calculating rather than enthusiastic. you are original and resourceful in your methods. you have good judgement, and your deductions are generally correct. you are fond of children and your home in seattle, move back.